zaterdag 29 september 2012

Fashion icons in this modern world

We all have fashion icons like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. But also famous people in this century are sometimes seen as fashion icons.

Today, Cheryl Cole it is!
The British site MyCelebrityFashion has tested which celebrities are the most popular. They have made a top ten. So I think it might be interesting to discuss one of those fashion icons weekly!

Of course I will start with number ten. After ten weeks we'll finally see who's style is the most popular one!

10. Cheryl Cole

Assymetrical clothes and flashy nail polish.
Cheryl Cole knows how to style it.
Even her dresses are stunning!
Coral colours really suit her.

Leopard print is very trendy right now!

zondag 23 september 2012

Back in time

Henry Clarke, Vogue April 1962.

This is big love.

Oh, and I want that dress. It may be 50 years old, I want it.

A must have for fashion addicts

The Doctor Bag is trendy again. 

I searched two years to find my perfect Doctor Bag. No one understood why I wanted to have one because they thought it would never become a trend again.

Yes it did, my dear friends. This season you can find Doctor Bags in all colours, shapes and prizes. I'm totally in love with it and personally, I prefer the gigantic ones.

Here are some examples.

Which one do you prefer?

These are some beautiful doctor/bowler bags for a good price. Of course you also have expensive bags. Prada for example, created a very original doctor bag: 

Prada revisits its Doctor Bag for Fashion Week

 Unfortunately, the price tag is also very beautiful... This bag costs €1,290.
So, if someone wants to buy a gift for me.. you know what I need!

vrijdag 21 september 2012

The influence famous people can have

Mother of three loses 11 stone (70kg.) because she wanted to look like Angeline Jolie

After her second child, Christina was eating way too much sweets and chocolate. The result? In 2010 she tipped the scales at 22 stone (140kg). When a stranger told her that her lips looked like those of Angelina Jolie, she decided to go on a diet. She wanted to look like her idol. 

In August 2012, Christina had already lost 11 stone. She's very happy with the result because her mission is accomplished. She thinks she looks like her idol. 

My opinion? 
Congratulations, Christina. I would never be able to have such a diet. I would give up immediately... I know this can be irresponsible. She already has three children so maybe she had to accept the fact that her body isn't perfect anymore. On the other hand, her weight was quite dangerous. She's much healthier now and I'm sure she's able to play more with her children. 

And the comparison with Angelina Jolie? At my opinion, they don't look the same. The shape of their faces just isn't similar to me. But I have to admit that I think Christina is more beautiful than Angelina. Of course, everyone has another opinion about that so you don't have to believe me. The decision is up to you! 

Here are the pictures: 
Christina Staggs weighed in at 21 stone in 2007 and has shed 11 stone in just 16 months because she wanted to look like her idol Angelina Jolie
The mother-of-three has received numerous compliments now about her similar looks to her Hollywood icon

woensdag 19 september 2012

This is the next chapter of my life

Today no news, my dear readers. Or at least, no big news. This post will be about my life.

So, I notice that I haven't told you anything about my life yet. You have to know I'm only 18 years old, in the beginning of a hopefully beautiful life. As you all know, 18 is the age when everything changes. Especially in Belgium because at my age you're able to do anything (legal).

Today was my first day of school again. It wasn't the way it used to be. I'm going to highschool, so: new school, new teachers and especially... new friends.
It was weird, and quite emotional, because I had to end a very beautiful chapter of my life. I know I'll miss my friends because they became a certainty.

But as we all know: This also means the beginning of something new. Something that may be even better, even though I thought that could never happen. I went to the station alone, not knowing what and who I may discover a bit later.

However, my day turned out to be amazing! I met interesting people, arrived in an awesome school and went shopping with a new friend!

I can't wait to tell you more about this. And by the way, I'm sorry I didn't post some big news today. I have a huge headache and want to sleep.

But how has your day been? Tell me!

Oh, and the most beautiful thing I learned today:
The most stupid thing you can do today, is what you did yesterday. Be special. Be atypical.

maandag 17 september 2012

Fashion and lifestyle

Winter's coming up!

This week it gets colder again and I know this is the time when people think: my wardrobe isn't prepared for that! So, I decided to help you a little bit by giving you some advice.

What do you absolutely need to buy this Winter?
What will be the new hype?

Forever 21, €21,75

1. Formal is hot

The fact that blazers can be worn on every occasion, isn't a secret anymore. But also red lipstick, glasses and blouses were frequently seen on the catwalk. These trends are very easy to combine. A normal skinny jeans or pencil skirts? High heels or flats? Depending on the occasion, everything can be worn with it! 
This Winter, also the geometric dresses are very trendy. Color-Blocking is hot! 

Zara, parka, €129,00

2. Alternative becomes popular

This is of course very contradictory: Alternative is the opposite of popular. But the clothes which were defined as 'Alternative', seem to be worn by everybody right now. I'm talking about jeans jackets, crazy prints, boots and many more. Don't be afraid to be different, because people with a special style are appreciated.

Eleven Paris, €47

The new hype!

Everyone wears owls right now. You can have necklaces, bracelets, clothes and bags with it. But do you want to be one of the thousand people wearing the same thing? I don't think so.. At my opinion, we schould be trendsetters. So therefore I'm happy to tell you what the new trend will be: The moustache!
Not only will there be more men having a moustache, you will also find it at all kind of clothes, jewelry and bags. 
So go and buy something with a moustache on it to be an awesome trendsetter!

But the most important lesson is:

Be who you want to be and don't change for somebody else. Especially not for me.

zondag 16 september 2012

Review: Step up 4 (Revolution)

Another step, or is it more than just a step?

After watching three Step Up movies, it would be a shame to leave the fourth one unwatched. Together with three friends, I decided to go to the cinema. I hoped I would have the same feeling like before. With every Step Up movie I wish I'm a part of the story, preferably the protagonist. A girl that dances like she was born with a tutu on. And of course.. a handsome boy to catch her when she makes a jump. 

I must admit that I was scared. Honestly, the third Step Up didn't satisfy me. Rick Malambri is beautiful, that's true. But that's the only reason why I might look at it again.
Step Up 4 was better. Oh, what did I just say? I even think it's the best. 
The actors can act, dance and make you feel part of the story. The only thing which annoyed me was the voice of the girl. But I understand, you can't expect perfection.
I also think the best dance scene from all the Step Up movies belongs to the fourth one. My favorite was, without doubt, the one at the museum. Paintings and statues came to life, which was pure magic. Some other people thought that the scene at the office was the best. But at the end, we all came to the same conclusion: the best part of the Step Up movies can be seen in Step Up Revolution!

There's just one thing which annoys me about those movies: their lack of creativity. I'm not talking about the choreography but about the story itself. There's always a handsome boy getting to know a girl. She, how accidental, dances pretty well. They create a crew and start training for a big event which, also very accidental, always turns out to have a happy ending.
There's only one new aspect in this movie: there is no final battle. Thank God, because I had seen enough of them after three movies.

Trailer Step Up 4 Revolution!

So, Ryan Guzman, I don't mind if you want to dance with me. Oh, and a museum is the perfect place for that.

zaterdag 15 september 2012

Another famous fashion designer... Katie Holmes

Ok guys, I'm a bit in doubt whether I should write in English or in Dutch.. I decided to write my first post in Dutch because it was about a movie from the Netherlands. So I thought that people from other countries wouldn't be interested in it. Still, I was very happy when I saw that American people visited my blog. So tell me, English or Dutch?

Katie Holmes creates simple but expensive clothes

I'm not a huge fan of such news. Almost every week there's another celebrity that tries to become even more famous by adding another job to their carreer.
A singer that wants to act, an actor that wants to design, a designer that creates his own perfume.
And admit it or not, there's only one thing they want to achieve: earning more money. Becoming more popular may be the second reason for such a decision. But talent? I have never seen a person succeeding in ten different sectors. Except for Barbie, who seems to be good at... everything.
Katie Holmes isn't, unfortunately, an exception. Her fashion line isn't creative enough for me. Wearing black and white has been done before. And even her leather jackets and trench coats seem to be bought in Zara or H&M. There's only one difference: the price. 
Her fashion line is quite expensive. The reason is, of course, the fact that you wear her name. On a label, in your clothes. On a spot nobody can see. Too bad.
However, I'm in love with her high waisted skinny jeans. It's not very special, but it doesn't have to. I can see myself wearing it with a blouse and high heels that make you dizzy. 

But no, I'm not going to pay thousands of euros for a black skinny jeans. I bought myself a high waisted jeans in Vero Moda today for €35. 

I'm sorry, Katie Holmes, but my wallet just isn't big enough for you.

vrijdag 14 september 2012

De gevolgen van een stukje entertainment

Innocence of Muslims

Na nog maar een klein fragment van de omstreden film te hebben gezien, heb ik mijn conclusies al getrokken. Deze film heeft overduidelijk maar één doel: lachen met de moslims. En wat nog duidelijker is, is dat deze film een dwaas als maker heeft. Iemand die niet nadenkt voor hij iets publiceert. Iemand die zich van niets aantrekt, zolang hij het zelf maar niet met zijn leven moet bekopen. 

Mijn mening over de moslims en hun religie, doet er niet toe. Religie is iets persoonlijks. Iets wat onmogelijk door anderen te beoordelen, of te veroordelen, valt. 

Iets wat ik echter als onzin beschouw, is het feit dat ze deze wansmakelijke grap maar al te graag vergelijken met 'Submission', gemaakt door Ayaan Hirsi Ali en Theo Van Gogh. 
Als er dan ook maar één iets hetzelfde is, zal het ongetwijfeld de reactie van de moslims zijn. Maar 'Submission' in eenzelfde zin uitspreken als 'Innocence of Muslims', is een schande voor die eerstgenoemde. 

Waar 'Submission' de onderdrukking van vrouwen probeert tegen te gaan, probeert 'Innocence of Muslims' gewoon één stuk entertainment te zijn. De realiteit wordt vervangen door absurditeit. Emoties door 'lachwekkende' fragmenten.

Mocht ik daartoe in staat zijn, zou ik Hirsi Ali graag vertellen dat ik de gelijkenissen niet vind. Dat ik respect heb voor haar film, in tegenstelling tot datgene wat momenteel zo veel commotie veroorzaakt. Dat de film mij wat heeft bijgeleerd. En ook dat kan evenmin gezegd worden van wat die Amerikanen geproduceerd hebben.

'Submission' mag dan misschien wel zijn doel gemist hebben, 'Innocence of Muslims' heeft er niet eens één.